You guys know I love to scream from the rooftops when I find something worth screaming about. And today, I read the blog of all blogs and my fingers can’t move fast enough with this one. Amee from Juicy Creative Co, wrote about how joining F45 blew up her business (in a good way) and it has me f*cking fist pumping so hard I almost broke my laptop.
Amee talked about the correlations between investing in yourself and how that pays off (sometimes unexpectedly) for your business.
I totally get that finding the time and the money for yourself when running a business can be a difficult decision. When you have bills coming from f*cking everywhere, the decision to invest money in YOU, usually gets put on the back burner. What Amee has contributed to her own success over the last 6 months is CHOOSING herself first, for MAKING the decision and STICKING to it – even when it felt hard.
I don’t want to go into too much detail, because honestly the blog is just brilliant, but Amee wrote about the power of consistency, even when (and this is important) if feels like you’re not making any progress. It’s about being accountable and finding other people (aka a coach) who will push you when you’re smack bang in the middle of it thinking, “I can’t do this anymore” – and whilst I’m no longer on the F45 train, it’s the exact reason I love group training, and the exact reason why every successful business woman I know, works with a business coach.
What really, REALLY, struck a cord for me was that Amee realised just how important it was to put yourself first and honouring that, no matter what.
It’s got me on the verge of tears because it’s been a while since I’ve reminded myself to JUST GO FOR IT. Do the things you love. Stop being held back by the fear of judgement. Make real promises to yourself and see them through, because it will carry through from one area of your life to another, and it just starts with the smallest of steps.
Please read it, because it is magic. And maybe you need to hear it just as much as I did.
Click here to read. You can also find Amee on the ‘gram @juicycreativeco